Everyone hates to be reminded for the millionth time of their resemblance to another person though, so lets just say she quickly made me forget about comparisons and focus on her own appeal. Mariah brought just about every Eliza Dushku fantasy to life. Saddest moment of the entire night was realizing she wasn't in the calendar! Was super happy to grab a photo with her after the show though. She owned the stage with her impishly cute smile and simply stunning petite figure.
I could not look away from Jolene? the entire night. And, of course, the lovely ladies we all came for were amazing! Well choreographed dances and fun costume changes. She had spot-on impersonations and her crude but funny humor had the entire audience chuckling. The guest comedian was quite funny and did a great job of not breaking the atmosphere and playing off the crowd perfectly. So much better than I expected! The hostess had a powerhouse voice and an inviting personality.